Wednesday 12 October 2016

famous writer

 There is so many so famous writer known. One of them is William Shakespeare and Victor Hugo and others .. but none of them my favourite famous writer. My chosen writer was a local writer named Bob Ong why? because he is different from the other writer he had a humor genre in writing books. he also writes short stories that funny and inspirational.

he had wrote, such as  ABNKKBSNPlaako  that alsohad a movie .. bakitbaligtadsumulatangmgapilipino. Its story or topic is interesting because some or mostly of Filipino like us let them read to the end than the beginning to understand immediately what to story instead buying it.Here is some works of him "ang paboritong libro ni hudas" , "mac arthur" ; "friend's mom susan"; "stainless longganisa"
This is all good because it tell what's happening in society. :)

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