Sunday 16 October 2016


                       Image result for Lost and found place


When I was walking in the park something caught my attention , i see a strange thing that i knew that it wouldn't be there but i am not sure what i saw. When I walk thru its location i saw a wallet, and it get me nervous because i don't know what to do but something enter in my mind that i have to return it to its owner . so my decision is to return it back or i'll go to the lost and found service but my conscience dictate me to go to lost and found service provider so i'll go to my instinct i said to myself. 
When  i found that place i see someone whose waiting in that place and she is agitated. when she see the wallet in my hand she run to me and said that were did i found it and i said the truth. She is thankful and she said that the money inside the wallet is for her medical attention. i am so happy on that day and it was so confusing also.

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